Complete logistics
services in one place

Tailor-made solutions for your logistics needs


Comprehensive solutions for managing storage, packaging and delivery of goods for your e-shops. We guarantee efficient processes, fast delivery and customer satisfaction.

Strategic logistics consulting

Professional help and strategic advice to optimise your logistics processes. We devise a tailor-made process with you directly for your business, so that everything is efficient with the lowest possible costs.

and distribution

A reliable and secure solution for storing your goods and delivering them quickly to customers. Thanks to our proven processes and our dedicated staff, we can ensure optimal inventory management and efficient distribution.

We are opening a new warehouse

6000 m² of warehouse space

We offer 1 month of storage
for new clients FREE!

Our clients

Do you need efficient logistics for your company?

Our team provides a complete solution that saves time and facilitates processes. Fill out the form for a non-binding quote tailored to your needs.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your business grow.

Why choose VonTom?

15,000+ m²

We have two warehouses with a total area of more than 6,000 square meters, located right outside Prague. Our locations allow us to distribute goods quickly and efficiently, saving our customers valuable time and money.

100,000+ parcels

Thanks to our experienced team and efficient logistics systems, we deliver on time, every time. More than 100,000 parcels have already passed through our expert hands.

11+ years on the market

We have been on the market since 2012. Our strong position in the Czech Republic and beyond is thanks to our robust client relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

50+ clients

Our clients’ trust is invaluable to us and motivates us to continuously improve our services. Our long-term partnerships are a testament to our professionalism, reliability, and individual approach.

Where to find us?


How to get here?